What is the project timeline?

    Following consultation feedback, the project team will evaluate responses and incorporate any considered changes to the design. We aim to take this final preliminary design to the GCP executive board in autumn 2023. Given approval, we would fast track detailed design with the aim to begin construction some time in 2024.

    What stakeholder engagement has been undertaken to date?

    To date the project team has engaged closely with Cambridgeshire County Council officers from the cycling, road safety, traffic signals, and landscapes teams.

    In January 2023, we held a workshop with representatives from Addenbrooke’s and the Cambridge Biomedical Campus to discuss the proposals to Addenbrooke's roundabout.

    In March 2023, we held a briefing for local councillors. Their feedback will be considered in the next stage of design. Attendees were supportive of the scheme proposals subject to minor changes which have already been incorporated into the current design.

    The project team has also met with National Grid and in April 2023 we held a stakeholder workshop with representatives from several community stakeholder groups. Their feedback will be considered in the next stages of the design.