GCP Cycling Plus: Hills Road

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This consultation closed at midday on Monday 24 July 2023. Thank you for your responses.

We were consulting on walking, cycling and public transport improvements to Hills Road from Purbeck Road (next to Hills Road Sixth Form College) to the Lensfield Road junction (next to The Church of Our Lady and the English Martyrs).

There are two concept design options, A and B, for how this section of Hills Road could look. You can find a full explanation of the scheme in the brochure and a comparison of the design concept options in the Option A and B comparison table.

What are we proposing?

The consultation proposed improvements that could be made to Hills Road to make walking and cycling safer, easier, more attractive and more inclusive for all street users.

The scheme aims to:

  • increase walking and cycling levels with better active travel infrastructure;
  • improve pedestrian and cycle safety along Hills Road and at the signal-controlled side-road junctions;
  • maintain or improve the appearance of our streets;
  • maintain or reduce bus journey times along Hills Road wherever practicable, improve waiting areas at bus stops and make it easier to get on and off buses;
  • reduce the conflict between local businesses (for example, kerbside parking for servicing and delivery) and the safe movement of pedestrians and cyclists.

Wider aims are to:

  • support the shift from private vehicles to public transport, walking and cycling;
  • support the substantial planned growth in Cambridge by providing safe and attractive active travel connections between new and existing communities and local services including education and jobs.

Find out more

We shared information and answering questions at various online and in-person events.


A public consultation in summer 2021 looked at 13 cycling and walking routes across the city. The GCP Executive Board considered the feedback from the consultation and agreed to prioritise the Hills Road scheme.

How to have your say

Please note that this consultation is now closed.

We wanted to understand the views of local residents, businesses, stakeholders and all road users. This feedback will be vital in helping to shape how the final Cycling Plus Hills Road scheme designs are developed and taken forward.

Please refer to the Option A and Option B maps when completing the survey on this page. The maps can be found in the brochure and in the maps section.

If you would prefer a copy of the survey and / or brochure as a paper copy, in large print, in Braille, as an audio tape or in another language please email: consultations@greatercambridge.org.uk or call 01223 699906.

Other ways to give us your feedback

  • email: consultations@greatercambridge.org.uk
  • post: Cycling Plus Hills Road, Greater Cambridge Partnership, PO Box 1493, 4 Regent Street, Cambridge, CB2 1BY
  • social media: #CyclingPlusHillsRoad
  • phone: if you have difficulties completing the survey online, please call 01223 699906 for help

This consultation closed at midday on Monday 24 July 2023. Thank you for your responses.

We were consulting on walking, cycling and public transport improvements to Hills Road from Purbeck Road (next to Hills Road Sixth Form College) to the Lensfield Road junction (next to The Church of Our Lady and the English Martyrs).

There are two concept design options, A and B, for how this section of Hills Road could look. You can find a full explanation of the scheme in the brochure and a comparison of the design concept options in the Option A and B comparison table.

What are we proposing?

The consultation proposed improvements that could be made to Hills Road to make walking and cycling safer, easier, more attractive and more inclusive for all street users.

The scheme aims to:

  • increase walking and cycling levels with better active travel infrastructure;
  • improve pedestrian and cycle safety along Hills Road and at the signal-controlled side-road junctions;
  • maintain or improve the appearance of our streets;
  • maintain or reduce bus journey times along Hills Road wherever practicable, improve waiting areas at bus stops and make it easier to get on and off buses;
  • reduce the conflict between local businesses (for example, kerbside parking for servicing and delivery) and the safe movement of pedestrians and cyclists.

Wider aims are to:

  • support the shift from private vehicles to public transport, walking and cycling;
  • support the substantial planned growth in Cambridge by providing safe and attractive active travel connections between new and existing communities and local services including education and jobs.

Find out more

We shared information and answering questions at various online and in-person events.


A public consultation in summer 2021 looked at 13 cycling and walking routes across the city. The GCP Executive Board considered the feedback from the consultation and agreed to prioritise the Hills Road scheme.

How to have your say

Please note that this consultation is now closed.

We wanted to understand the views of local residents, businesses, stakeholders and all road users. This feedback will be vital in helping to shape how the final Cycling Plus Hills Road scheme designs are developed and taken forward.

Please refer to the Option A and Option B maps when completing the survey on this page. The maps can be found in the brochure and in the maps section.

If you would prefer a copy of the survey and / or brochure as a paper copy, in large print, in Braille, as an audio tape or in another language please email: consultations@greatercambridge.org.uk or call 01223 699906.

Other ways to give us your feedback

  • email: consultations@greatercambridge.org.uk
  • post: Cycling Plus Hills Road, Greater Cambridge Partnership, PO Box 1493, 4 Regent Street, Cambridge, CB2 1BY
  • social media: #CyclingPlusHillsRoad
  • phone: if you have difficulties completing the survey online, please call 01223 699906 for help
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please let us have your views about the two options for improving walking, cycling and public transport on Hills Road from Purbeck Road to Lensfield Road, by answering the following questions. Please ensure you have read the consultation brochure before completing the survey.

    If you're having trouble completing the survey, or require a copy of any documentation in large print, Braille, audio tape or in another language please email consultations@greatercambridge.org.uk or call 01223 699906.

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Page last updated: 01 Aug 2023, 11:37 AM