What is Cycling Plus?
Cycling plus is part of the GCP’s investment in the active travel network. The GCP is already investing more than £115m in the active travel network and now, through Cycling Plus, we’re looking to add to this with up to £20m targeted at some of the key remaining gaps in the network.
An Active Travel Study has identified 13 potential corridors that could help to join up the cycling network in Greater Cambridge and the additional Cycling Plus funding will enable us to tackle two or three of these.
What is the Cycling Plus survey about?
In the first part of the survey we are looking to understand how you currently travel using active modes – such as walking or cycling. The second part of the survey asks you what your general priorities are for investment in active travel as well as what you think about the 13 possible corridors.
What is Active Travel?
Active travel is defined in the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Local Transport Plan as “physically active modes such as cycling, walking, or horse riding. It also includes walking or cycling as part of a longer journey”.
When does the Cycling Plus consultation start?
The consultation starts on 5 July 2021 and runs for a period of six weeks, closing at midday on Monday 16 August 2021.
What is the difference between the Cambridgeshire LCWIPs survey and the Cycling Plus survey?
Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) form part of the Government’s Cycling and Walking Strategy (published in 2017) and help make the case for future funding for walking and cycling infrastructure locally. The Cambridgeshire LCWIP sets out the overall strategy for cycling in Cambridgeshire and is being consulted on by Cambridgeshire County Council until early July.
GCP has some funding available for cycle links in Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire and is therefore consulting separately through the Cycling Plus consultation on how and where we should invest that money. The final LCWIP will also be a consideration in our investment decisions.
Who will decide which schemes are taken forward for development?
The results of the Cycling Plus survey will be presented to the GCP Executive Board at a meeting in winter 2021/22. Following a detailed review of the consultation feedback, the Cambridgeshire LCWIP feedback and additional information a selection process will be undertaken and a decision made on which schemes are taken forward.
Why are we asking for your personal information in the Cycling Plus survey?
This information will help us understand how our proposed plans may affect different groups/people.
Why are you consulting on possible corridors for investment now?
Cycling plus is part of the GCP’s investment in the active travel network. The GCP is already investing more than £115m in the active travel network. Through Cycling Plus we are looking to add to this with up to £20m targeted at some of the key remaining gaps in the network.
Aren’t these just more cycle routes? Will people walking, on horses, or using mobility aids be able to use them?
The survey asks about your priorities for all types of active travel, not just cycling.
The 13 routes have already been prioritised in the Active Travel Opportunities study. Have you already made a decision about which ones to fund?
No. No decision has been made about which corridors to fund. This consultation will form part of any eventual funding decision the GCP Executive Board might make.
I’ve already filled in the LCWIP survey and Cambridge Ahead’s cycling survey. Aren’t they all about the same thing?
No, these are separate surveys. The Cambridgeshire LCWIP sets out the overall strategy for cycling in Cambridgeshire and will help make the case for future funding for walking and cycling infrastructure locally.
GCP has some funding available for cycle links in Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire and is therefore consulting separately through the Cycling Plus survey on how and where we should invest that money. The final LCWIP will also be a consideration in our investment decisions.
This consultation is all online. How can people tell you their views if they can’t or don’t want to do it online?
If an individual would like more information about the consultation in a different format they can contact consultations@greatercambridge.org.uk or call 01223 699906. If they are unable to access the online survey, they can complete the survey over the phone by calling 01223 699906.
Why are you holding no in-person events?
As with all our current and imminently planned consultations we continue to adhere to Government Covid-19 guidance and avoid non-essential contact. We believe that this consultation is well served online and by phone and therefore we shall not be holding any in-person events for this consultation.