Foxton Travel Hub 2021
Consultation has concluded

Online engagement 06 - 17 September 2021 - This survey has now concluded
As the delivery body for the Greater Cambridge City Deal, the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) is investing in solutions to tackle current and future transport problems by offering better and more sustainable ways to make journeys by public transport, cycling and walking.
The Greater Cambridge Partnership is working on an infrastructure programme to improve connectivity and quality of life for thousands of people. A travel hub at Foxton could provide in the region of 500 car parking spaces and in the region of 150 high quality cycle parking spaces. The close proximity of the proposed Foxton travel hub to the current Foxton train station, means more people could use the rail network to travel into Cambridge.
The GCP will be hosting an engagement period for the proposed Foxton Travel Hub in order to show current plans for the hub, present how previous consultations and engagement with stakeholders has informed the current design and capture feedback to inform the design ahead of submitting the planning application.
The engagement period will run from the 06th - 17th September and online zoom events are detailed below, you will need to register in advance to attend the meetings:
- 07/09/2021 18:00 - 19:30 - link)
- 14/09/2021 18:00 - 19:30 - link)