GCP Newmarket Road improvements and Park & Ride relocation

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This consultation has now closed – thank you for your contributions.

Our consultation period took place between midday 24 January to midday 20 March 2023.

Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback to our online survey and those that came along to our engagement events.

We will now be reviewing all the feedback and comments we have collated over the last eight weeks.

Please return to this page for further updates in due course.

Have your say on proposals for walking, cycling and public transport improvements to Newmarket Road and the preferred site for a relocated Park & Ride

The proposals

  1. Newmarket Road improvements – transforming the Elizabeth Way and Barnwell Road roundabouts, and the provision of direct, safe, comfortable and attractive facilities for pedestrians, cyclists and bus users between central Cambridge and Airport Way
  1. Park & Ride preferred site – we're asking for feedback on the preferred location for a relocated and expanded Newmarket Road Park & Ride site

The scheme aims to

  • Improve the green space on Newmarket Road
  • Provide better connections by improving existing, and providing new, pedestrian crossings
  • Enable people to change to walking, cycling and public transport rather than using private cars
  • Provide improved bus stop facilities and bus priority measures
  • Enable increased levels of walking and cycling by residents living along Newmarket Road
  • Support the delivery of sustainable planned developments including Marleigh and Cambridge East (Cambridge Airport)

Find out more

Please review our proposals in detail in our consultation brochure and documents.

If you need a hard copy, or would prefer a copy of the brochure and supporting materials in large print, Braille, audio tape or in another language please email consultations@greatercambridge.org.uk or call 01223 699906.

Further supporting documents can be found online at www.greatercambridge.org.uk/newmarket-road.

Have your say

Share your feedback by completing the survey at the bottom of the page after you've read through the supporting materials. If you're having trouble completing the survey, please call 01223 699906 for assistance.

This consultation closes at midday on Monday 20 March 2023.

This consultation has now closed – thank you for your contributions.

Our consultation period took place between midday 24 January to midday 20 March 2023.

Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback to our online survey and those that came along to our engagement events.

We will now be reviewing all the feedback and comments we have collated over the last eight weeks.

Please return to this page for further updates in due course.

Have your say on proposals for walking, cycling and public transport improvements to Newmarket Road and the preferred site for a relocated Park & Ride

The proposals

  1. Newmarket Road improvements – transforming the Elizabeth Way and Barnwell Road roundabouts, and the provision of direct, safe, comfortable and attractive facilities for pedestrians, cyclists and bus users between central Cambridge and Airport Way
  1. Park & Ride preferred site – we're asking for feedback on the preferred location for a relocated and expanded Newmarket Road Park & Ride site

The scheme aims to

  • Improve the green space on Newmarket Road
  • Provide better connections by improving existing, and providing new, pedestrian crossings
  • Enable people to change to walking, cycling and public transport rather than using private cars
  • Provide improved bus stop facilities and bus priority measures
  • Enable increased levels of walking and cycling by residents living along Newmarket Road
  • Support the delivery of sustainable planned developments including Marleigh and Cambridge East (Cambridge Airport)

Find out more

Please review our proposals in detail in our consultation brochure and documents.

If you need a hard copy, or would prefer a copy of the brochure and supporting materials in large print, Braille, audio tape or in another language please email consultations@greatercambridge.org.uk or call 01223 699906.

Further supporting documents can be found online at www.greatercambridge.org.uk/newmarket-road.

Have your say

Share your feedback by completing the survey at the bottom of the page after you've read through the supporting materials. If you're having trouble completing the survey, please call 01223 699906 for assistance.

This consultation closes at midday on Monday 20 March 2023.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 30 Mar 2023, 12:29 PM