What is a road network user hierarchy?
Essentially, the road network user hierarchy - or road classification - is about the way that people and vehicles – including motor vehicles and those that are non-powered, such as pedal cycles - move around the city. It will consider how roads and streets are classified based on the type of vehicles and traffic that they are used by in the future.
At the moment, most roads in the city can be used by all vehicles whilst others are restricted to bus, taxi and cycle movements; or in some cases all motor vehicles are restricted during certain hours to provide priority for walking and cycling.
Why are you consulting now?
The current classification of roads in Cambridge has been in place since the 1980s. Since then, the amount of traffic using the city has increased and the way that people move around has changed.
This consultation is part of the GCP’s wider City Access project which aims to reduce the number of cars in the city and encourage more use of public transport and active travel, such as walking and cycling.
How will my journeys be affected?
For some people, the proposed new road classification for Cambridge will mean that they are able to walk, cycle or use another form of active travel to make their journey more easily and safely. On many local roads in the city there will be less traffic and less congestion, which will help to improve air quality. Road space on these roads will be freed up for active travel and for public transport.
For some people who need to travel by car, journeys may be longer and less direct. Some traffic will be shifted on to main roads. However, our Making Connections proposals, if approved by the GCP Executive Board later this year, would make public transport a more attractive option for some people travelling into the city so could help to limit how much traffic shifts onto main roads.
Does this mean you’ve already decided about Mill Road?
No decisions have been made about the future of Mill Road or about a future road classification for the city.
Feedback from the Mill Road Spring 2022 consultation will be considered by Cambridgeshire County Council’s Highways and Transport Committee at its meeting in July 2022.
Feedback from the “A new road classification for Cambridge” consultation will be considered by the GCP Executive Board and Cambridgeshire County Council's Highways and Transport Committee in the winter, with a final consultation on delivery proposals next year.
What about exemptions?
There could be exemptions for certain vehicles or groups of people and we’re asking for people’s thoughts on possible exemptions as part of this consultation.
What if someone wants to respond but can’t use the internet?
If you can’t respond to the online survey, you can telephone the Contact Centre on 01223 699906 and they will input your responses to the survey for you.
Alternatively you can request a paper copy of the consultation brochure and/or survey by telephoning the Contact Centre.
How can I ask a question about the consultation?
There are a number of ways that you can ask a question:
Email us: consultations@greatercambridge.org.uk
Telephone: 01223 699906
Attend one of the public meetings, which can be found in the Key Dates section of the consultation page.
Contact us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram @GreaterCambs
Can I respond if I don’t live in Cambridge?
Yes, we welcome consultation responses from anyone who lives in or visits Cambridge, whether for work, school, leisure or any other reason.