How were these two options decided upon?

    The two options on which we are consulting have been developed following pre-consultation engagement with local residents, colleges and others with an interest in the project. We are now seeking people’s views on the two options via a public consultation.

    What engagement have you done with local people?

    We undertook engagement in the spring and summer of 2019 to help develop the proposals for improving walking and cycling provision along Madingley Road. We invited local residents and users of Madingley Road to give us their views online. We also held public meetings which were attended by local residents, businesses and other interested parties. Read the report of the engagement.

    Is there enough room along Madingley Road for the improvements you’re proposing? Will you need to use land owned by other people?

    It depends. In option 1 there is enough space to make the proposed improvements without needing any extra land. For option 2 we would need to acquire some land from colleges to allow enough space to make the improvements proposed in the consultation.

    How do these proposals fit with proposals for a new off-road public transport route between Cambourne and Cambridge?

    Madingley Road was previously considered as a potential route to improve bus capacity as part of the Cambourne to Cambridge scheme. However, traffic modelling has suggested that there would be limited benefit for public transport along this part of the route into the city from the west. Find outmore about the Cambourne to Cambridge Better Public Transport project.

    When will you decide which option to go ahead with?

    The Greater Cambridge Partnership’s Executive Board will consider the results of the consultation when it meets in the autumn of 2020.

    How long will the work take to build?

    The time taken to complete the work will largely depend on which option is chosen and the approach to construction, but option one is likely to take 12-14 months and option two 16-18 months due to the increased complexity.