Milton Road
Consultation has concluded

The Consultation is now closed, and the report has been published. Further updates can be found on our website at
Milton Road is a well-known and busy residential area in Cambridge that also acts as a key route between the city centre, the A14 and A10, as well as the nearby villages of Milton and Waterbeach.
As a key arterial route, Milton Road has been identified as vital to the local economy. However, growing levels of peak-time traffic congestion threaten the continued economic growth of the local area. With the population of Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire expected to grow by around 28% over the next 15 years, improvements to Milton Road will need to be made now, to accommodate the increasing number of journeys in the future.
The Milton Road project aims to improve public transport, cycle and walking infrastructure to make these sustainable travel options a more attractive alternative to the car, and to encourage the continued economic growth of Greater Cambridge, without harming existing communities, and the environment.
The Milton Road scheme aims to:
- Allow faster and more reliable public transport journeys
- Provide better cycling and walking links
- Enhance the streetscape with improved and additional landscaping
- Reduce peak-time congestion and limit growth in traffic
- Aid future economic growth
- Reduce air pollution, and improve public health
What are we consulting on?
The Milton Road scheme includes:
- Public transport priority measures that include new sections of outbound bus lane and new floating bus stops
- Improved cycle facilities with segregated cycle provision along both sides of Milton Road and priority over side roads. This requires the removal of the existing pavement parking on Milton Road
- Improved pedestrian and cycle facilities, including Copenhagen style priority crossings at side roads, segregated features at all main junctions, and the relocation of some crossings
- Landscaping to areas where more greenery can be included
- The development of a traffic regulation order to ban all parking on verges
All improvements will be within the highway and do not require the purchase of private land. As part of the scheme, the Project Team will be replacing the existing trees on Milton Road with an avenue of semi-mature trees, which are more suited to the local environment. The Project Team also aim to increase the overall number and quality of trees along Milton Road.
The scheme looks to provide a 3m wide pavement on the outbound side of the road that has the option to be designated as shared use in order to allow inbound cycle movements on this side of the road.
It is envisaged that the construction cost of Milton Road will be £16m.
Further details of the Milton Road scheme including a map, and technical details, can be found by downloading a copy of the consultation brochure.
Have your say
You can have your say by completing our online survey.
Interactive map
You can also find an interactive map below, which will enable you to leave comments and feedback on specific areas of the proposed scheme.
Contact us
If you would like to give a more detailed response to the consultation, please email your response to
You can also reach us:
Via phone 01223 699906
Facebook link)
Twitter (External link)
You can read more about the Milton Road project on our website